
[p] stands for your server prefix

Command: [p]unviewlock (channel) (state) (roles/users)
Aliases: um
Description: allow users to view a channel
Example: .unvl #general true @boosters @donators
Permissions: ManageChannels

<> = required | () = optional | don't include <> or () when typing commands
  • The example above allows the roles boosters and donators to view the channel general.

  • If channel is left blank, the bot will use the channel that the message is sent, if the state is left blank, it will default to null and if the roles/users are left blank, it will default to the @everyone role.

  • The state can be either true or if left blank, null. The state true is similiar to the green check in server permissions and it means the user/role will be able to view the channel no matter what the role permissions are set to.

  • If the state is set to null, the channel permission will default to role permissions and the user will be able to view the channel if it is set in the role permissions. Refer to this for more information.

Last updated